Problem with Arduino 101 and SPI & I2C interfaces

Hello everybody,

I need some help because I am having troubles when using SPI and I2C interfaces with the Arduino 101. I purchased two Arduino 101 some weeks ago and recently, I have been trying to get data from a BMP280 and a SD card. I am pretty sure that the wiring is correct and I am using the standard libraries (SPI, SD and BMP280). Below, you can find the wiring I am using for both SPI and I2C in the images. None of them work with that setup. The sketches I am running are just the examples provided by the IDE (bmp280test, CardInfo...).

In the case of the BMP280, the Arduino cannot detect the sensor. Regarding the SD card, the board is able to detect the card but it is not capable of showing, reading or writing files. I have followed and reviewed many examples and tutorials online and I do not have an explanation for this behaviour.

Have any of you ever had the same issue or a similar problem? Do you have any idea how could this be fixed?

Any information would be appreciated.

Best regards,


Are you using a Metro as shown in the pictures, or a 101?

I am using Arduino 101, that was just an example to show the wiring.

AFAIK, the 101 does not have the SPI clock and data pins on D11 to D13. They are on the ICSP pins only.

I thought that SPI pins were both in 11-13 pins and in the ICSP header. At least is what they say here:

I have just tried the same with the ICSP header: SAME RESULTS

Hello All

I have the EXACT same problem. Running the CardInfo example, my sd cards are detected, but no files are identified. And running ReadWrite, it initializes, but the files cannot read, nor be edited.

I have tried running it on two arduino 101's, with two different SD Card readers, with two different SD Cards and both on the ICSP's and on the regular pins.
Also the one reader runs flawlessly on my Arduino Leonardo, i haven't had the chance to test the other one, but i expect similar results with that one.

So the problem definitely seems to be with the 101's.

BR Niels

Helo BR Niels,

First of all, thank you for your response. So perhaps, the Arduino 101 does work fine using the SD and BMP280 libraries?

Well, as you say:
"Regarding the SD card, the board is able to detect the card but it is not capable of showing, reading or writing files"

That is exactly the same problem i have, i cannot get this to work in any configuration.

I guess that the 101 has some sort of issue, with the communication. So we might just have to wait for an update.

I have exactly the same problem! :confused:

Hi Guys.

Have anyone checked if the problem has been solved with the newest update to the IDE? ( 1.8.1)
In the release notes the following is written:


  • Fixed regression in SD library. Thanks @greiman

BR Niels

I have the same problem with the RC522 and the 101 using this library.

Did anyone find a solution?