Problem with AS5048A Rotary Encoder

Hi, I'm new to SPI and I thought a small project with AS5048A encoder would be a good introduction but so far no luck!
I got my hands on an AS5048A chip which I made a PCB for using the datasheet as a guide but so far I can't get a proper reading from the sensor. I'll post the schematics and the code so you'll better understand what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to read the encoder position for a start.

I'm using Arduino Leonardo (so I can make a joystick) and using pins 13 for SCK, 12 for MISO, 11 for MOSI and 10 for CS. I also connected ground and power (I tried both 3v3 and 5 with no luck).

All I get from serial is this:

It makes no difference to the output whether the sensor is connected or not which drives me to the conclusion that it could be a fake chip.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

#include <SPI.h>
   Arduino SPI pins
   MOSI = 11, MISO = 12, SCK = 13, CS = 10

const byte CS_pin = 10; //Chip select pin for manual switching

uint16_t rawData = 0; //bits from the encoder (16 bits, but top 2 has to be discarded)
float degAngle = 0; //Angle in degrees

uint16_t command = 0b1111111111111111; //read command (0xFFF)

void setup()
  Serial.println("AS5048A - Magnetic position encoder");
  pinMode(CS_pin, OUTPUT); //CS pin - output


void loop()
  SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(3000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));

  //--sending the command
  digitalWrite(CS_pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(CS_pin, HIGH);


  //--receiving the reading
  digitalWrite(CS_pin, LOW);
  rawData = SPI.transfer16(command);
  digitalWrite(CS_pin, HIGH);


  rawData = rawData & 0b0011111111111111; //removing the top 2 bits (PAR and EF)

  degAngle = (float)rawData / 16384.0 * 360.0; //16384 = 2^14, 360 = 360 degrees

  Serial.print("Deg: ");

Please post the entire schematic, including power sources.

If you applied 5V to a 3.3V chip, it is probably fried.

From the AS5048 data sheet:

I have two of these boards so I decided I cut the jumper between 3v3 and 5v on the sensor board so I can connect 5v to it using the Arduino provided 5v rail and that didn't make any difference. So I have two boards now with both configuration you posted and neither work.