Problem with Dot Matrix LED

I'm the beginner to use dot matrix I use a simple code but don't display i want to know this problem :smiling_face_with_tear:

Link my work :

start with the hello world example as provided from the library:

adopt the pin setting and try it with real hardware.
Tell us what you see.

You should probably use another form of the constructor for MD_Parola which specifies also the clock, data and cs/load pins. See : Parola for Arduino: MD_Parola Class Reference

I think MD_Parola wants this: (I could not find pins 10 or 11 on your ESP)

DIN 11
CS 10
CLK 13

I did get your MAX7219 working on a Nano (sim). It was not a pretty result on the simulator. If the Display.print() is readable, all the letters are defined backwards.

Here is the link: bbxxm - Wokwi Arduino and ESP32 Simulator

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