Problem with multiple analog sensors (analogRead() )

Hi all!
I've some problem connecting multiple ldr to arduino and reading data from them. If i wire only one ldr it works fine, but when i wire the second, the first still work fine but the second gives apparently random numbers. Does anyone know why?

Not untill you give more details, like what sort of LDR and what resistor you are using and is it pull up or down.

General hint. Read the analogue input twice one after the other and only use the second reading.

Thank you for the answer!
I use standard ldr like this in the picture with a pull down 10kohm resistor.
I've tried to read twice and use only the second reading, but it still not work (the first ldr works fine but the second still gives random values)

Define "wire the second"?

I use standard ldr

Sorry there is no such thing,. we need a part number. I have three different LDRs that all look like that.
You need to tell us how you are wiring it up because this is probably where you are going wrong. The arduino does not normally behave like you report so it has to be your wiring.