hi everyone in my project based about ESP8266 i power on my project with pc via cable micro usb then esp8266 connect tothe wifiand send data to app android "blyn" but if i use external battery lie that :
a blue led in esp8266 start blinking and the esp doesn't connect to the wifi and a few moment later the power is taking off.
anyone can help me
Please post complete circuit diagram. How is it connected? Which module/development board?
You sure such a battery can deliver the current the ESP needs for it's WiFi? If connected through a linear regulator you lose over 60% of the battery's energy there and then.
In general, that kind of battery can’t provide the sort of power (200mA+) that an esp8266 needs to operate.
the circuit have OLED, NEO6MV2, LED, sensor track all of this are powered by Out pin of esp8266 "3.3v" and esp8266 is powered by battery of 9v the circuit work for 1 minute than powering off
the circuit have OLED, NEO6MV2, LED, sensor track all of this are powered by Out pin of esp8266 "3.3v" and esp8266 is powered by battery of 9v the circuit work for 1 minute than powering off
You need to tell us exactly what ESP8266 you are using - post a link to its datasheet.
The ESP8266 modules that I have only work on 3.3v and I would expect them to be destroyed if I connected a 9v battery to them.