Problem with simulation

Did you have a question you wanted to ask about that picture?

Please post your schematic as an image and not a screenshot. Screenshots are so hard to read.

I want a correct connection
Its says its wrong

Do you think you should maybe provide some information or do you want people to have to guess at what you are trying to build?

You will find that the level of help you get will be directly proportional to the amount of effort you are willing to put in when presenting the problem. If you cant be bothered to write a few words then you wont get much help.

I am building a mini HVAC system for mobile applications using the following components:
Temperature sensor LM35
Voltage regulator
LCD display 16x2
Switch and

What web site?

the green LED and Volt Meter was for the purpose of testing.

click the link to download the schematic.
Mini HVAC Unit.pdf (12.0 KB)

chatGPT nonsense.

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Can you please show me the schematic diagram of the circuit or connection

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Please respond instead to the OP's request in post #9 and post a proper schematic diagram. Hand drawn is fine, with pins, parts and connections clearly labeled.

chatGPT blather and the 30 seconds of your effort to produce, cut and paste it into a post is not welcome on this forum.

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I would help out if OP could find the time to explain a little more than just a few words and a list of parts.

Could mean a lot of different things.

Is this simulator Proteus ?
Did it say explicitly what was wrong, for example a floating R/W connection on the display?

Hi, @sbahlerh_andy

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks... Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Please provide a schematic diagram using proteus simulation and without the breadboard

Sorry I don't have Proteus this is Tinkercad if I had your code I could have tested it further but I did verify it is properly functioning with the virtual volt meter.



Mini HVAC Unit.pdf (12.0 KB)

Thank you

But i dont see clearly the components
Did you use the components i mentioned above
Arduino, temperature sensor, battery, voltage regulator, switch, LCD display, fan, heater, and socket. This is the schematic diagram i need using these components on the proteus simuation app

Do you have access to the Proteus app?

Yes i do

How is Proteus indicating your wiring not working?

Its says Fatal simulation errors encountered