hi everyone
I'm trying to use a USB Host Shield (from sparkfun, latest revision) with Arduino Mega 2560. I'm using the latest library, and loading the "board_qc" sketch to test the board.
The shield is not on the arduino, I placed it on a breaboard in order to jump the SPI pins:
pin 13 to 52
pin 12 to 50
pin 11 to 51
pin 10 to 53 (and there's also a jumper between 10 on the 2560 and 53)
pin 9 and 7 goes to 9 and 7..
the results I got is:
Circuits At Home 2011
USB Host Shield Quality Control Routine
Reading REVISION register... Die revision 03
SPI long test. Transfers 1MB of data. Each dot is 64K
Test failed. Value written: 1F read: 00
Unrecoverable error - test halted!!
0x55 pattern is transmitted via SPI
Press RESET to restart test
Hey i had a quick question and I am having trouble using the Arduino mega and the USB host shield. On the the USBcore.h file I modified the code to:
typedef MAX3421e<P53, P49> MAX3421E; // Official Arduinos (UNO, Duemilanove, Mega, 2560, Leonardo, Due etc.), Intel Edison, Intel Galileo 2 or Teensy 2.0 and 3.0 #endif
Then, uploaded the board_qc sketch to check if everything was operating fine, but nothing was working. From there, I started testing a few things and when I modify the code to
typedef MAX3421e<P10, P9> MAX3421E; // Official Arduinos (UNO, Duemilanove, Mega, 2560, Leonardo, Due etc.), Intel Edison, Intel Galileo 2 or Teensy 2.0 and 3.0 #endif
And I upload the board_qc sketch and everything is working good. I don't know, find it strange that when you change the pins to <P10, P9> it works. So my question is if it only works when i change the pins to <P10, P9> and everything is working fine so what pins is the USB host shield actually using for communication with the Arduino mega? Is there any fix?