SparkFun USB Host Shield Configuration with Mega2560

I've done a lot of research on configuring the SparkFun USB Host Shield with the Mega2560 but I couldn't find anything recent on it, so maybe something has changed since then? I have the shield stacked onto the Arduino but I keep on getting this error when I run this diagnostic test.

Circuits At Home 2011
USB Host Shield Quality Control Routine
Reading REVISION register... Die revision invalid. Value returned: 00
Unrecoverable error - test halted!!
0x55 pattern is transmitted via SPI
Press RESET to restart test

The pins I have wired together are as follows:


In the UsbCore.h file, I changed P10 to P53 in the "Official Arduinos" list as per an older forum I found on the subject. I do not have pins 53->10 connected.

Any possible solutions to this? All help would be appreciated.