Problem with Wire.h library and Eclipse


I am working in a project in Eclipse which needs the I2C BUS to communicate with several sensors.

I include the Wire.h library and when I compile no error appears, but when I try to use some of the methods inside the Wire.h library (for example, wire.begin() or wire.beginTransmission()) and compile the project again, in the console appears some errors saying that it "cannot understand wire" or wire.begin().

It seems like Eclipse doesn't recognize or include the library Wire.h in a proper way, but there is no error saying that it cannot find this library.

Could anyone help me with this problem?

Thank you very much in advance!

It's not wire.begin(), it's Wire.begin(). C and C++ is case-sensitive!

Thank you for the answer but in my project I used Wire.begin() and the problem is still present. The problem seems to be that Eclipse does not include the Wire.h library in my project but it is able to find it.

How do you know that it is able to find it?

Post the whole sketch and complete error message (and please copy it and don't retype).