Hi everybody, i am a high scholl student facing up several problems with arduino. This is my first topic on this forum, so i am sorry for everything i could be doing wrong, but i need help about the use of a l298 motor driver. I am trying to control a single DC motor, using a 9v battery, but the motor driver output is only 2v. I saw some videos and tried to copy the same circuit but i can't really understand where the problem is.
PS the l298 is the multiwatt15 version.
Please post the circuit (a photo of a hand-drawn diagram is fine) plus the code and details of the motor that you are using.
But if you mean a little rectangular 9V battery they are too feeble to run anything but the very smallest of motors. And an L298 always loses at least 2V, up to about 4.5V from your battery voltage.
Basically i've been following the circuit in the photo, with the only difference that i have only one DC motor. I also paid attention to common ground. The strange thing is that voltage output is very very low, about 1.5v. About the motor i am not able to say much, but if i connect the 9v battery directly to the motor it works perfectly. At the moment i cannot post the code, but i am quite sure the problem is not there.
Try disconnecting the 0.47 Ohm current sense resistor if you're not using it to and remove the short between the two L298 current sense pins (I've never thought of doing that but it looks very wrong).
What voltage do you measure at the battery when the motor is showing 2V (or 1.5V)? What is powering the Arduino?
Small 9V batteries cannot really power motors, just get a power source that is up to the job.