Problems with touchscreen

I bought a 3.2" touchscreen from Osoyoo and a friend also bought a 3.2" touchscreen but I'm not sure of the brand. Using it with a Mega 2560 and display shield. Both of us have the same problem. Every now & then after powering up the screen will not respond to touch. A power cycle or 2 (or 3) will usually fix it. Anybody know why this happens and if it can be fixed?
The display shows what it should, just the touch is a problem.

Does your screen need to be calibrated? Dronebotworkshop has a calibration sketch.

It was calibrated but I don’t remember where the sketch came from. Possibly rinkydinkelectronics.

Hi, @ard_nov

How are you powering your project and the screen?

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

A 9v wall wart for the Mega and a display shield which, I believe, supplies 3.3v for the display.

Hi, @ard_nov

Does the display shield accept 9V?
Can you please post a link to data/specs of the display you are using?

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I’ll have to do that tomorrow (assuming I can find it).

Not sure this will be much help.

Oosyoo 3.2" touchscreen

The shield has a 3.3v regulator on it and 5 (what I believe are) level shifters.
The screen basically works most of the time. Just occasionally doesn't respond to touch.

Hi, @ard_nov

The 3V3 regulator may be shutting down due to thermal overload.
Try 5V instead of the 9V, the power dissipation in the 3V3 regulator will be lower.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I have powered it with just the USB cable (which is 5v) and it still did it. The touch problem doesn't appear after a while, it's immediately after the program is loaded.