Problems with vibrating motor

Hi all,

I have a question regarding a vibration motor. I have hooked up the motor but it does not seem to work properly. It does not start automatically and when it sometimes does it stops after a certain/ short amount of time. I am running the following setup and code:

int VBMotor = 3;

void setup() {
  pinMode(VBMotor, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  Serial.println("VBMotor on");
  digitalWrite(VBMotor, HIGH);

  Serial.println("VBMotor off");
  digitalWrite(VBMotor, LOW);

The Serial.println() does work in both cases for off and on. Is anyone able to help? Thank you in advance!

How much current does the motor take to operate ?

Motors take a lot of current, USB isn't upto this task, use a separate supply for the motor, that motor probably wants 1 to 2A at stall/startup.
In general its a bad idea to power any motor from a 5V logic supply rail as logic circuits don't take kindly to noise spikes and dropouts.

Operating Voltage: 3.0V to 5.3V
Current @Start: 90mA
Current Running: 60mA

The current should not be the problem.

As long as it is really (in the above picture it is) connected to the 5V pin and not to the 3V3 pin next to it.

There are tons of demo projects with this module. I also have checked that the vibration motor module has the reverse diode equipped (with parallel capacitor).

I also have it on my PCB but I do not use a digital output pin, I use a PWM because my family did not like the noise and the vibration strength should be changable.


Those figures sound bogus to me - even tiny tiny 3.7V stepper motors are 150mA,
and stall currents are usually 5--20x running currents.

Me too.
What sort of vibration motor?

(Ok, that's two questions)

Stepper motors are required to allow a fast stepping, so their stepping pulse current should be higher. Also the mass the vibraton motor must accelerate is less than anything stepper motors must accelerate. I have the stepper motors of old harddisks in mind. Sorry, if you are talking of different ones. I really drive my vibration motor with a low current 3V3 regulator also supplying power to the Atmel MCU. No problem.

Since meloxx4 has written, that it sometimes starts and stops after a short time (less than 2 seconds I assume), I really expect, that it is connected to the 3V3 pin instead of the 5V pin and the MCU goes into reset due to the voltage drop.

Had a look into the datasheet of my vibration motor:
额定电流 Rated current 85mA Max
起动电流 Starting current 120mA Max


When I connected a 12v power supply to the Arduino it does not seem to change the situation.

How am I able to find out if it is ERM or LRA? (I'm kind of new to all of this.)

It is not necessary to answer that question:

The full spec of the module is:

This is a small vibration motor suitable as a non-audible indicator. When the input is high, the motor vibrates, just like your silent mode phone.

  • Rated voltage: 5.0VDC
  • Operating voltage: 3.0 - 5.3VDC
  • Rated speed: 9000 rpm minimum
  • Rated current: up to 60 mA
  • Starting current: up to 90 mA
  • Starting voltage: DC3.7V
  • Insulation resistance: 10Mohm
  • Compatibility: Compatible with UNO R3/ Mega2560
  • Great for DIY projects


The manufacturer's product description will state it (hopefully)

Have I missed something in this discussion?
I don't see any naming of the product.

Sometimes the motor didn't even start and when it did it stopped after around turning on and off 20 times. I just checked and it is connected to the V5 pin.

Is the vibrating top of the motor easy movable? If it is blocked by something (harder to turn), then the startup current goes up dramatically.


Why are you asking me?

Sorry, I simply clicked "answer". Maybe the "answer" has moved up when I clicked.

It is a standard module with tons of suppliers.

This topic is truly bizarre!

How can you know that?

I have looked to the picture named schematic and it looked like a standard module. I googled it and found e.g.


I haven't seen a schematic.