Programming differences between the Mega 2560 and Due

Anyone know where I can find a programming reference that shows the differences between the Mega 2560 and Due.

I have an LCD that I finally got working on the Mega, but want to start using the Due so I can work on more eventual features.

But the sketch I am using to tinker with ideas won't compile for the Due, just the Mega.

I am using the UTFT library and an mcufriend 3.5" TFT LCD screen for the Mega2560 ( ili9488 ), according to the silkscreen on the pcb.


If you're only using Arduino-library calls, code should compile between the two. However, many libraries that are designed for the AVR-core chips address specific registers that may not exist in the ARM-core chips.

My guess is that you're running into register conflicts.

I doubt there is a "reference" or "guide" comparing the two in detail. It would basically come down to comparing the two processor's datasheets. You need to evaluate each part of the code that isn't compiling and determine if there is equivalent hardware on the Due. (or see if the libraries have ARM/Due specific versions.)

Lastly, don't forget, I/O voltage difference between the two boards.


I'll see what I can do.

Haven't done any serious programming in a long while, so I'm basically starting over again.