Programming errors

I have an Arduino nano which I got from India and I know it's a copy it's not the real Nano. So every time I try to use a simple code like the Blink one I get this message
<avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM6">
I opened up the insulation of the programming wire and saw 4 cables. So I know this wire can be used for programming. I also tried using an elegoo Arduino uno with my computer and it works. So I don't why the nano isn't working.

Do you guy's know?

Do you have the serial monitor or serial plotter open?

No I didn't have any serial monitor or plotter open.

What serial chip does the board have?

where can I find that?

Look on the bottom side. If you see a chip like CH340, you need to install a USB driver for that.


COM6 assignment means driver is installed. probably his Uno is clone too.


The bootloader has nothing to do with the port detection.

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Is COM6 indeed the Nano. Check Windows device manager which port shows when you connect the board.

Which version of Windows are you using? Which version of the IDE?

port is already detected. bootloader issue throw same error message.

i am using windows 11 and arduino ide 1.18

i have a nano clone but i didn't ever download any drivers

This happens with CH340 interface chips. Install the driver.

Sounds like a driver issue for your Arduino Nano clone. Here you can download drivers

Good luck


I don't see drivers on that page, only the software packages. Those software packages contain the drivers for the official Arduino boards, not for other boards that use e.g. CH340 or CP....

Just to verify, this is the classic Nano with an atmega328, and not a Nano Every or Nano 33 type board?

:face_in_clouds:Sorry, to fast reply from my side. This Sunday i have some time, if i find something i let you know! :+1:

For now have a great weekend


I have this arduino nano. Mini Nano V3.0 ATmega328P Microcontroller Board w/USB Cable for Arduino. I think it might need a CH340 driver.

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