Programming hex file through CP2102

I have a circuit with Atmega328p and CP2102 for usb interface. I can upload a sketch to this circuit from Arduino IDE just like I can program a standard Arduino Uno.

I am looking for a way to upload a hex file (without having source code) through avrdude. As Arduino internally uses avrdude to upload the sketch, I am sure its possible. I am not able to figure out the exact Avrdude command Arduino IDE uses internally.

This outdated page describes exactly what I would like to have viz. avrdude command and a GUI to enable any user to upload hex files without having access to source code. It would be great to have that page updated.

Take a look at XLoader here:- XLoader

Alternatively, if you want to use avrdude directly, if you program using the IDE with verbose output enabled for uploading, you'll see the avrdude command in the output window.

XLoader is much easier, and is basically a GUI wrapper for avrdude. The download includes "avrdude.exe", "avrdude.conf" and "libusb0.dll". Edit: As well as "XLoader.exe", of course. :slight_smile:

That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton.

That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton.

No problem. Glad to help. :slight_smile: