I'm a year 1 TIE (technical information engineering) student so I thought I'd start a complex project to get more indepth with everything I learn at the university.
Later I came across this robot and thought it would be awsome to try and build this myself
so I went and orderd some components.
3 mini stepper motors
3 mini servo's
a mega2560
and some other random motors wires and what not.
My goal is to start by building 1 leg and then go on building the whole robot.
So now I was wondering if you guys can help me with some tips because im pretty mutch a beginner here.
For example I'm not very happy with the sketch IDE of Arduino is there a way for me to build my projects in a visual studio kind of IDE? are there other things I need to know?
I do have a long programming background but embedded programming is very new for me so any tips will help.
thank you all in advance and excuse me please if I made any english errors
So now I was wondering if you guys can help me with some tips because im pretty mutch a beginner here.
For example I'm not very happy with the sketch IDE of Arduino is there a way for me to build my projects in a visual studio kind of IDE? are there other things I need to know?
I do have a long programming background but embedded programming is very new for me so any tips will help.
Start with the FAQ. Search for "IDE" and you will see two relevant starting points. Digest that and then come back here with follow-up questions.