Arduino Development with Visual Studio

Hi all,

I've been writing arduino sketches for some time in the arduino studio thing, and i'd really like to write stuff in a modern IDE. i've seen pretty good integration into eclipse, which is cool, but for various reasons, i'd like to use visual studio.

i've run across a couple of resources that are somewhat useful. the ardupilot guys have released their project as a visual studio project, and i was able to reverse engineer a lot of their settings (and they wrote some batch files for linking and uploading), plus, there's also Arduino Playground - WindowsCommandLine which is how to build at the command line. but i was wondering is anyone else out there is using visual studio, and if anyone has written a 'how-to' on configuring visual studio based arduino projects.

i googled around and couldn't find anything, so i'd love a pointer. or if someone wants to write something up here, that would be rad too.

I'm currently working on an arduino project wizard for Visual Studio, it will be able to build and upload to the board. Hopefully I'll be able to get some useful intellisense working and things.

Also planning to include a little serial utility so it can completely replace the official IDE and should also be compatible with the VS express edition (the free one)

I like VS IDE. My machine just doesn't like Java. Hope to see you a success.

tshannon, we should collaborate. i figured out a bunch of the vs stuff now, and i have a serial utility (open source) at Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. that could be the basis of the serial stuff.

sure, email me, or msn,

That all sounds great, but what about support for Linux and Mac? Is there any chance you could make it work on the mono .NET VM?

you already have it. there's a ton of eclipse stuff already. check out this: Arduino Playground - Eclipse

If you are still looking for a visual studio arduino solution then I've just released a beta of a new visual studio addin called Visual Micro.

It is free for personal use so please feel free email to try it out.


Extracts from the product manual