Hello all,
I have a programming project that I need some help with. I had a few selections of things to do and I chose to do an arduino scoreboard. The problem is I have no idea what I am doing. I have zero experience with arduino, I do not know how to program with it or anything. I know I will need LEDs though. We need to make a working scoreboard. Please help me get started on this project.
Thank you for any replies.
please tell what is the budget and how many digits you wanted to display also its size
should it be colored ? only then we might be able to help you
I would suggest staring with an Arduino Uno as that is probably easiest.
I think you also need to define what you mean by scoreboard.
- Does it need to bee seen from far away like 50 feet or more?
- Or can it be seen from 5 feet away or less?
- What are you keeping score of?
- Will it be wall powered or does it need to be battery powered?
I have a card that supports up to 12 digits. Uno functionality is included with an '328P processor. FTDI type header is included for serial programming, or use a Programmer for direct programming using the ICSP header.
If the segments of each digit are made from LED strips, such as this
with 3 LEDs and a current limit resistor, then you can make ~5" tall digits with the strips and a 12V power supply. Or 2 to 3 3-LED sections per segment for a much taller digit.
You can also make the segments with discrete LEDs and current limit resistors, or 7-segment common anode displays and current limit resistors, such as this 4" digit
Or you can use common cathode digits needing under 5V to turn on, and control them with a MAX7219.
So the size you want is one of factors to consider.
please tell what is the budget and how many digits you wanted to display also its size
should it be colored ? only then we might be able to help you
There is really no budget as my school would buy the arduino. I think it should display 2 digits, that would be plenty. Size, it doesn't need to be big. enough to see maybe 5-10 feet away. I guess it doesn't have to be colored, just possible to see what the numbers displayed are.
Ok. Scoreboard, 0-9 for each side?
What will trigger the processor to indicate a score has been made?
Do you need to keep track of time as well?
Draw some digits on paper, determine what size you need.
A multi-digit display like this
with a MAX7219 could easily be controlled with an Arduino.