Project of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine


Sorry if my English is bad, I'm French and currently in "classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles" in a filiere name PT, for physics and technology. This year the professors gave us a project named TIPE to do and I work on it but I need help.
I post on this forum for one only reason, I need your help to end my project.

So, my project as said in the title of the topic is a VAWT. But it's not a problem to do one of these, no currently the problem is that build a VAWT is only the beginning of the project. Indeed, what I want to do is having a constant voltage in the output of the DC generator which produce energy from wind.
This constant voltage can allow me to use it to recharge batteries for example (it's not my project the different ways of charging a battery are too complex and it's not my aim in this project but it's only an example of application).

To have this constant voltage I have bought several Arduino components, like an Arduino Uno rev3, the motorshield which come with and different cables.
In output of my DC generator I have voltage around 4V maximum.

The thing is that I request your help to help me about the connection that i need to do between my motor use as a generator and my motorshield because i don't want to make a mistake and burn all the components. I think I have to buy other components like diodes to make me sure that the voltage in output of my generator is under the maximum admitted by the motorshield or the arduino card.

You must not apply negative voltages, or voltages > Vcc (> 5V for a 5V Arduino) to an analog input.

Before connecting the wind generator to an Arduino, use your multimeter to measure the voltage output at various wind speeds, or mount it on the roof of a vehicle and drive at different speeds on a wind-still day.

If a 10K series resistor is added between the generator and the analog input, higher generator voltages can be tolerated, but cannot be measured.

Thank you for your quick answer !!

You need to know that my voltage will be positive and less than 5V but in case of a problem with the wind turbine can i use diodes to make sure that the voltage is less than 5V ? And to measure the voltage of my generator i just need to connect a cable to one of the analog input and the other to the gnd with a parallel montage ?

I think i want to do an electrical circuit like this

There are already diodes connected to the analog input. The 10K series resistor is all you need, to limit the input current.

But your suggested project has no mention of what happens when the voltage produced is LESS than what you want. You are loosing a lot of power due to the electrical resistance of the wiring from the turbine to the processor.
May I suggest a much simpler design? Generate AC voltage/current at any voltage and current you want. Rectify that power if the voltage is above a minimum and then regulate the DC output to what you desire. If the DC voltage is too low, open the AC connection from the wind turbine.

okay so i need to put a 10k resistance but does it impact the rest of the circuit ?



My goal is to use simple methods so not AC voltage and it's a study in ideal condition so I only use the constant voltage if the voltage produced by the generator is more important that what I want. Moreover the model of VAWT I made is small so the lose of power is very small

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