Hi All!
I've finally reached the point where I want a more solid enclosure for my Arduino project. The project is going along the lines of a guitar footswitch, and the problem I've had with finding pre-made enclosures online is that I need the top face to be at an angle (see: http://static.music123.com/derivates/18/001/261/292/DV016_Jpg_Large_483489.001_black_footswitch.jpg). My project needs six switches/leds, however, so the top face will likely be around 12" x 6", with a depth of 1" in the front to 2" in the back. I'm absolutely clueless on where I should go for getting a custom (or maybe not custom? but I need it to be very similar at the least) enclosure made on a budget. The material doesn't matter, but it has to be able to take a stomp from a foot, so I suppose it has to be relatively strong so I was thinking of going the metal route. I'm open to 3D printing or other approaches as well, I just don't know much about this part of the design and definitely need it to be affordable. I'm going to make ten this first time around, not a very big number at all. Should I ask around locally? Or does anyone have a website they recommend? Thanks a lot for input in advance!