PsNee on PU-23 board

Hi everyone,
im having a hard time trying to find out where the conections go to use PsNee on a PU-23 board,
they provide this pinout:


  • Arduino pin 8 = data = ATMega pin 14
  • Arduino pin 9 = gate = ATMega pin 15
  • Arduino pin 10 = lid = ATMega pin 16
  • Arduino pin 11 = biosA18 = ATMega pin 17
  • Arduino pin 12 = biosD2 = ATMega pin 18

and this connection diagram:

Can you help me?

I have a ton of NTSC games and a PAL PSX

PsNee repository

SCPH-900x (PU-23).jpg

Hi LucasVT,

This must be it


look at the website for more info :

It works fine for my ps1 :slight_smile:

Many thanks!
I spent a lot of days looking and did not find it, I did not know what kind of chip PsNee simulates (stealth, stealth2, multione etc.) so I did not know what pinout I had to use.
Again, many thanks!


It doesnt work, i soldered everything and checked twice, PAL games works fine but NTSC games just shows the "insert play station format game" screen.

PsNee have two more pins for PAL consoles, but i cant find any further information about them.

Maybe here