Push Sensors [Where to find?]

Hi, I guess this is the best place to post this because its about sensors. So im building a skeeball machine. To detect when a ball goes into a hole I want to use push sensors. The sensors that have metal strips that get pushed down. Does anybody know where I can find some? And they need to be arduino compatible.

Thanks, -Logan Risen

Like these?

Wire one leg to an Arduino input, the other to Gnd.
Use internal pullup resistor to see when it closes:

// in setup()
pinMode (pinX, INPUT_PULLUP);

// in loop()
if (digitalRead (pinX) == LOW){
// switch was closed, do something
// and build from there

Yes, but which one do I use? I need the best one for a skeeball machine.

Define "best one".

You could also use an IR proximity sensor instead of a micro switch. This does not need to be placed so accurately and is likely to be more reliable.

Yes, but which one do I use?

Only you can answer that: you know the space available and the mass and/or velocity of the ball which will determine its ability to activate the switch. You might need to do some trial and error with a few different brands maybe with different length levers.

Nobody's going to tell you to use model A from brand X.

6v6gt's idea is a good one.