Pwm amplifier for motor speed controller.

I've been working on designing a milling machine controlled by an arduino uno r3, 3 tb6600 stepper motor drivers, and this high powered spindle, all with grbl v1.1.
CNC Spindle Kit 500W Air Cooled...
I've already got my stepper motors running smoothly with ugs, and I found a way just to enable the spindle with a relay module, and manually control the speed with the potentiometer.

Now I'm trying to use grbl's new pwm function to control the spindle, the problem is the controller requires a 0-10v pwm signal for full range of speed, and as you know arduino boards only generate 0-5v pwm signals

What would be the best way to get a 0-10v pwm signal from my arduino? I have a 0-5v pwm to 10v voltage converter but I still need a pwm to control the spindle.

If that controller has a 10V supply available, you can use that to build a simple level shifter with a transistor.

If you look at this page on my site you will find a FET being used to control a motor using PWM from an arduino.
The same circuit will allow you to provide a pwm signal to your controller.

I don't have an exclusive 10v power supply, but could I use my pwm to voltage converter to boost the 5v output of the spindle enable pin to 10v for the input of a transistor, and create a 0-10v pwm with the arduino's 5v pwm connected to the base?

Measure the voltage at the PWM pin of the spindle. If it's 10V you have found your supply.

I expect the two connections for PWM marked + and - to be PWM signal input and GND. For a 10V source I'd be looking at the pot connection, that I expect to be +10, signal input, GND.

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