Hy there,
Something bugs me since quite a while.
If a sketch is written using for instance "Serial.begin(115200)"...
It lets me know that Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor has to be set to 115200 Bauds in order to display whatever I need to see...
The same logic applies if I write a sketch with "Serial.begin(9600)"...
Here, it lets me know that Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor has to be set to 9600 Bauds.
And... a sketch using "Serial.begin(9600)" will only display little boxes and "?" at best, if I set 115200 Bauds in Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor.
The 1st question is...
Is there a difference between these different baud rates?
Why does Arduino leave the choice between a whole range of different baud speeds (rates)?
The 2nd question is...
Is it possible to write a sketch with 2 different baud rates " Serial1.begin(9600); " and " Serial2.begin(115200); " ?
Do not ask me why... it is just something which bugs me since a while...
Thanks in advance for an answer,