Question about "Serial.begin( xxx )"

Hy there,

Something bugs me since quite a while.

If a sketch is written using for instance "Serial.begin(115200)"...
It lets me know that Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor has to be set to 115200 Bauds in order to display whatever I need to see...

The same logic applies if I write a sketch with "Serial.begin(9600)"...
Here, it lets me know that Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor has to be set to 9600 Bauds.

And... a sketch using "Serial.begin(9600)" will only display little boxes and "?" at best, if I set 115200 Bauds in Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor.

The 1st question is...
Is there a difference between these different baud rates?
Why does Arduino leave the choice between a whole range of different baud speeds (rates)?

The 2nd question is...
Is it possible to write a sketch with 2 different baud rates " Serial1.begin(9600); " and " Serial2.begin(115200); " ?

Do not ask me why... it is just something which bugs me since a while...

Thanks in advance for an answer,


The higher the baud rate, the faster data will be transferred by the interface

In order to suit the requirements of the external components being used, some of which may not be able to work at high speeds. In general, a slower rate can be more reliable but that is not always the case

Yes. The two serial interfaces in your example are completely separate

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it's actually quite a frequent usage.

➜ For example you would listen to / talk to your GPS or GPRS or MP3 module at 9600 bauds and print out debug trace or information to the Serial monitor ou a Nexion display at 115200 bauds.

Thanks UKHeliBob and J-M-L