Question: What HW for video and WiFi project?


This is my first project with arduino.
I need to get video and audio and send it through WiFi network.

What hardware should I use?

  1. arduino board?
  2. camera (analog/digital)?
  3. WiFi module?
  4. any other useful HW?

Any advice will be very appreciated!

Thank you,
Sir Humus

I need to get video and audio and send it through WiFi network.

The arduino doesn't play a part in this. You need a wifi cam.

And if i'll want to send the video only if there is a movement in the picture, or the audio is above some threshold?

I don't want just a "dummy" camera, I want something that I can play with and do simple image processing...

I don't want just a "dummy" camera, I want something that I can play with and do simple image processing...

Through the Arduino? Perhaps if it's pretty low resolution and frame rate, but the Arduino wasn't set-up to handle any type of image processing.

And if i'll want to send the video only if there is a movement in the picture, or the audio is above some threshold?

You pretty much won't do that with Arduino. The closest you'd come would be something that calculated a checksum on sampled frames and got an indication of how much the image had changed between two samples - that'd only be a very crude indication, though, with very little scope for refinement. To do this properly needs video processing which simply isn't feasible on an Arduino. The practical solution is to get a Wifi web cam and run a motion detection application on a remote PC. There's plenty of free motion detection software to choose from.