RA-02 SX1278 some serious problems with receiving correct data

Hello there. I hope i am right here. I dont use this forum very often.
Yesturday i received my LoRa modules and instandly started testing it.
In general they´re working great with the example scetches ( basic sender and receiver ) but i have a small
problem in receiving the correct data. If i try to put an if- statement the whole code crashes and delivers wrong data.
Now to the code.
The sender does just sending numbers from 1 up to 16 and start again from 1.
My goal was, to do different actions if certain numbers appear. The modifyed receiver looks like this.

void loop() {
  int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
  if (packetSize) {
    Serial.print("Received packet '");

    while (LoRa.available()) {
      value = (char)LoRa.read(); // modification

    // print RSSI of packet
    Serial.print("' with RSSI ");
    Serial.println(value); // modification

I just took the example code and tryed to modify it to my wishes. If i remove the marked lines the console output looks like this :

LoRa Receiver
Received packet '1' with RSSI -88
Received packet '5' with RSSI -97
Received packet '11' with RSSI -96

With my modifications it looks like this :

LoRa Receiver
Received packet '1' with RSSI -88

Received packet '5' with RSSI -97

Received packet '1' with RSSI -96

My question is, why do i get this curious values. I already tryed different datatypes and methods to convert the incoming data into another datatype but everytime i do so i get something like this out.
Does anyone have experience with this type of LoRa of experience with the LoRa library ?

If you need some more information please ask. I written everything down what i thought it could be useful.

your code calls LoRa.read() then LoRa.read() again but there may not be data available for the second read, try

    while (LoRa.available()) {
      value = (char)LoRa.read(); // modification

which lora board are you using?

if you are looking to transmit an binary integer numeric value try using LoRa.write() to transmit

void loop() {
  Serial.print("Sending packet: ");
  // send packet

and receiver assign to an int

void loop() {
  // try to parse packet
  int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
  if (packetSize) {
    // received a packet
    Serial.print("Received packet '");
    // read packet
    while (LoRa.available()) {
    // print RSSI of packet
    Serial.print("' with RSSI ");

a run using a couple of 32u4 Lora boards gives

Received packet '0' with RSSI -60
Received packet '1' with RSSI -20
Received packet '2' with RSSI -20
Received packet '3' with RSSI -20
Received packet '4' with RSSI -20
Received packet '5' with RSSI -20
Received packet '6' with RSSI -20
Received packet '7' with RSSI -20
Received packet '8' with RSSI -20
Received packet '9' with RSSI -20
Received packet '10' with RSSI -21
Received packet '11' with RSSI -21
Received packet '12' with RSSI -21
Received packet '13' with RSSI -21
Received packet '14' with RSSI -21
Received packet '15' with RSSI -60
Received packet '16' with RSSI -20
Received packet '1' with RSSI -20
Received packet '2' with RSSI -21
Received packet '3' with RSSI -20
Received packet '4' with RSSI -21

Thank you. I think it work now. With changing LoRa.print to write and deleting the first console print out it works find. i finally get some good results. Thank you very much.

good to hear that it now works!
have you a local Lora Gateway to allow you to connect to the Things network yet?