Range finder for hunting


I want to do a best rangefinder for hunting with ultrasonic sensor or a laser sensor. The range will be a few centimeters up to 8 meters. I was searching things about lasers range finders for arduino but i don't found anyone. For the other hand, i found some ultrasonic sensors but i don't know which sensors exists and which sensor it will go well for that i want to do.

Someone could help me explaining to me their personal experience with any of these sensors or saying which sensors will go good.

Thank you very much!!

Try looking for
Time of flight sensor.

What are you hunting that is only a few centimetres away and need to know the range?



Spiders ?

This sensor is only about $7.15 and is rated for 8 Meters:

DigiKey.com lists 5 other devices in the $30-45 range. Then the prices jump to over $70. Do you have a budget limit?

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