RC522 RFID and NFC Tag Range

I am currently making a project to track the devices at work. I want to add an NFC tag to all the devices and record them by scaning the tag to the RC522.

Using the system and code below:

The problem is that I have 3 tags: NFC Tag, key tag (blue ones) and ID card tags for the tests. The system reads the key tag with no problem but for the other 2 it sometimes reads and must touch to the RC522 in order to read.

Why am i having this problem with the key tag and NFC tag? How can I make the NFC tag to be read from 2-3 cm length? Looking forward to your solutions....

Best regards,

If there is no way to increase the power or sensitivity of the reader, try cards from other manufacturers.

lg, couka

Thanks for the reply. The rx gain value is in the maximum (48 db). Which manufacturers would you recommend for the nfc tags?