Im a digital arts student in vienna.
im doing a project and i need your help. I have one sheep and one lawn moer standing next to each outher.
and every time the sheep mowes the lawn moer moes haha.
so im thinking of a microphone on the sheep with a wireless transmitter and a simple on/off for the moer.
what do you guy think
greeting and thx
Are we being punk'd?
In the possibility that you are actually trying to make this project:
What information does the microphone provide to you?
How will you detect that the sheep has moved?
How will you control the movement of the mower?
Does the mower simply have to move forward or does it need to follow the sheep? If it needs to follow, how will you know what direction and distance the sheep has moved? How will you control the direction and distance of the mower?
ok sorry sorry.
yes im actually making that project haha.
so i dont have to know how the sheep moves. Basically its nothing more than when the mic picks up a certain volume level the lawn moer starts moeing. how the lawn moer is going to move is not quit sure jet maybe i find one that moving on their own.
it doest have to work long so its more like a performance
sorry that i didnt make myself clear ): and thank you very very much for your fast reply
lawn moerUse a robot lawn moer, they have a demo program.