Read 433 MHz HCS200 chip

I using this library to read 433 RF with my esp32 on Arduino platform .

The chip is EV1527 that works fine with that code.

(I install that library using Platform IO)
I have RF receiver from and here

Now I want to read the RF data from another chip HCS200 (I know that part of the data is encrypted)

How can I do that please with my esp32 using Arduino platform? rc-switch doesn't support that chip.

The current version of the library has support for ESP32 and ESP8266. That doesn't have to mean that the comment in the example is correct for all platforms (interrupt 0 is on pin 2 only on ATmega328 and ATmega2560 based Arduinos).

Either switch to the Arduino IDE or ask on the Platform IO forum for support.

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