Reading i2c from a blood pressure monitor

Hi, im currently working on a project where i have to read the data being transmitted on the i2c on a blood pressure monitor. i have soldered to the appropriate sda, scl, 3v and ground. i have also tried using an esp32 to try to "sniff" the data and tried to allocate the adress of the communication storage using several examples i have seen posted, but to no results where achieved.

Is it possible to read the data being transmitted on the I2C and how?

How do you know that data are being transmitted by I2C?

You could sniff better with a logic analyzer.

Look for

24MHz 8 bit logic analyzer

and find it for $15 +/-.

They all come out of the same factory. They work very well, and the free PukseView software can decode and display data in various protocols.


Im not sure that its being transmitted by I2C, i just assumed it since it had the necessary
connections for it.

Thanks, i'll see if i can get my hands on one soon.

It seems that the Sda and Scl is only used for debugging for the manufacturer, so there was no I2C communication that could be read. Thanks

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