Reading printer optical encoder

The little circuit has a resistor and a capacitor and I'm connecting everything directly to the arduino.
The led is ON so I know that 5v and GND are correct.
I tried running some quadrature examples but nothing works.
I don't have a multimeter(yes I know...) so I connected one channel to Analog0 to do some readings and the value is always constant 200 ~1v.
I tried to manually block the light to the sensor and it produced a noticeable but small change in the value.

Do I need to bypass the capacitor and connect directly to the sensor?

I'm still very new to this so any info will help. Hope this is the right place to post this and that you guys can show me the right way :wink:

What resolution does your encoder have? 150 LPI (lines per inch?) may be too much for some library.

I'm not sure about the capacitors, will these block DC from arriving at the ChA/ChB terminals?

If you have an piezo buzzer at hand, will you hear something when connecting it to ChA and Gnd and rotate the encoder?

Thank you for your reply. Your piezo idea is good but unfortunately I don't have one.

Connecting one channel to analog shoud give me two distinct values right? Right now the reading is 170 and if I rotate the encoder, even very slowly, the value doesn't change. With something blocking the sensor the value goes to 190, a very small change.

Can my connections be wrong? I assumed the paths that don't connect to anything are both channels and the led works so I don't see how that can be.

Sorry, my wireless dvm cannot connect to your device :wink:

You really deserve some diagnostic devices (dvm...), else nobody can help you with the information you provided.

Optical encoders like that work better in the dark !

Ok, I now have a piezo and a multimeter. What readings should I do?

The piezo connected directly to one channel doesn't produce any sound (yes, I know I have to rotate it fast).

Some suggested that I use a pull up resistor in each channel. I did INPUT_PULLUP but sill no counts. Maybe I need a pull-down? Both?

Perhaps you are rotating too fast, so that you cannot hear the ultrasonic clicks. Rotating at 1 inch/second will already result in a 150Hz tone.

If nothing helps, you should get a multimeter for further measurements. Or even better a scope. ATM you're trying to find the secret treasure by looking into the sky :-]

I have the encoders from the Epson SX430W, the encoder looks similar, the pcb is different(flex-cable).

I have it on a Maple-Mini with 3.3V.

I think it is dangerous to work with 5V, because the resistance on the pcb has only 82 Ohm.

It works good by slow rotation(by hand), for higher speeds (with motor) I have at time no information.