I'm not finished yet to control all the hardware but I can read all the commands if I want to 
I use the Checksum to be sure wrong received commands are ignored.
Just finished testing to control the PAN speed. Use PWM to set the right speed.
Not happy with it. Searching for another way to control the motor speed. With light (low current) motors it works Ok.
For recieving RS-485 commands I use a MAX485 IC. For testing you can use the serial comport of the Ardiuno.
This program is used for an Arduino to receive and decode PELCO-D PTZ Commands
Thanks to Michael Blaylock for his sketch. Learning how to read and procces serial data
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 9, 8, 7, 6);
byte outArray[7]; // read data Pelco Command
unsigned stopcheck; // For checking when a STOP command is received (257 Decimal)
int checksum; // For Calculating Checksum. Sum of the payload bytes (bytes 2 through 6) in the message
int ByteNumber;
int MotorSpeed;
void setup(){
lcd.begin(16, 2); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
Serial.begin(9600); // baud rate 9600 can be 1200,2400 or 4800
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
void displayData() // Display the array in serial monitor for debugging
for (int j = 0; j<7; j+=1){
Serial.println("Data Printed");}
void loop()
if ( Serial.available () > 0) {
outArray[ByteNumber ++] = Serial.read();}
if ( ByteNumber > 6){ // process it
ByteNumber = 0; // ready for next time
// displayData(); // for debugging
stopcheck = outArray[0] + outArray[1] + outArray[2] + outArray[3] + outArray[4] + outArray[5] + outArray[6] ; // Calculate if STOP Command is received
if ( stopcheck == 257){ // When stopcheck is 257 decimal a STOP command is received
StopActions();} // Stop all PTZ Actions
else{ printCommand();} // Print Pelco command on LCD
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],0) == 0 ){ // When BIT 0 = 0 command 2 than data is Normal command (PTZ)
Decoderen();} // Try to decode the Pelco Command
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],0) == 1 ){ // When BIT 0 = 1 command 2 than data is an Extended command
ExtendedCommands();} // Try to decode the Extended Pelco Command
} // end if full
} // end of loop
void Decoderen()
MotorSpeed = map (outArray[4], 0, 0x3F, 255, 0);
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],1) == 1 ){
analogWrite(3 , MotorSpeed);
// digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
lcd.print("RIGHT SPEED: ");
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],2) == 1 ){
analogWrite(5, MotorSpeed);
// digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
lcd.print("LEFT SPEED: ");
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],3) == 1 ){
lcd.print("UP SPEED: ");
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],4) == 1 ){
lcd.print("DOWN SPEED: ");
if ( bitRead(outArray[2],2) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Iris Close");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[2],1) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Iris Open");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[2],0) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Focus Near");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],7) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Focus Far ");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],6) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Zoom Wide ");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],5) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Zoom Tele ");}
void ExtendedCommands()
if ( outArray[2] == 0 ){ // Only continu when Word 3 is 0
if ( outArray[3] == 0x03 ){ // SET PRESET
lcd.print("Set Preset: ");
lcd.print(outArray[5]-1);} // PRINT Preset. -1 to calculate right preset
if ( outArray[3] == 0x05 ){ // Clear Preset
lcd.print("Clear Preset:");
lcd.print(outArray[5]-1);} // PRINT Preset. -1 to calculate right preset