I have a Qt program that send a string of data over to the arduino, based on the data sent the arduino is to set a pin output state. Basically TestIOPCB is called in Qt app which then calls setOutput twice. If it's called twice the Arduino doesn't work properly with the code I have, but if I just send it once it works fine.
Any help will be appreciated.
/**Qt functions below/
void MainWindow::TestIOPCB()
QPixmap stat_OFF (":/res/images/stat_OFF.png");
QPixmap stat_noGO (":/res/images/stat_noGO.png");
QPixmap stat_GO (":/res/images/stat_GO.png");
QPixmap stat_sBy (":/res/images/stat_sBy.png");
QByteArray testOuts;
testOuts[0] = JA01;
testOuts[1] = JA02;
testOuts[2] = JA03;
testOuts[3] = JA04;
QStringList testLabels;
testLabels << "Label25" << "Laberl45";
char db0 = 0x53;
char db1 = 0x50;
setOutput(db0, 'H', db1, JA02);
setOutput(db0, 'L', db1, JA02);
void MainWindow::setOutput(char db0, char state, char db1, char pin)
QByteArray setOut;
setOut[0] = '
/**Arduino functions below/
void serialPacket::readSerial()
while (Serial.available() > 0)
_inChar[_inCnt] = (char)Serial.read();
if ((_inChar[0] == '
; //Start $
setOut[1] = 0x44; //Digital
setOut[2] = 0x57; //Write
setOut[3] = '!'; //DATA START
setOut[4] = db0; //S
setOut[5] = state; //H
setOut[6] = db1; //P
setOut[7] = pin; //CR for pin 13
setOut[8] = 0x43; //C
setOut[9] = 0x43; //C
setOut[10] = '#'; //End #
serial->write(setOut); //Send string over to arduino
__<mark>/************Arduino functions below**********/</mark>__
) && (_inChar[10] == '#')) //New data packet received
//Send ACK Reply
//Calculate checksum
//Parse Data
_inCnt = 0;
void serialPacket::parseInData()
inPacket.pCMD[0] = _inChar[1];
inPacket.pCMD[1] = _inChar[2];
inPacket.pRes[0] = _inChar[3];
inPacket.pData[0] = _inChar[4];
inPacket.pData[1] = _inChar[5];
inPacket.pData[2] = _inChar[6];
inPacket.pData[3] = _inChar[7];
inPacket.pCheck[0] = _inChar[8];
inPacket.pCheck[1] = _inChar[9];
switch (inPacket.pCMD[0]){
case 0x44: //Digital
if (inPacket.pCMD[1] == 0x57)
setOutput(inPacket.pData[0], inPacket.pData[1],
inPacket.pData[2], inPacket.pData[3]);
if (inPacket.pCMD[1] == 0x52)
void serialPacket::setOutput(char db0, char state, char bd1, char pin)
if (state == 0x48)
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
Serial.print("Print from 0x48");
else if (state == 0x4C)
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
Serial.print("Print from 0x4C");
; //Start $
setOut[1] = 0x44; //Digital
setOut[2] = 0x57; //Write
setOut[3] = '!'; //DATA START
setOut[4] = db0; //S
setOut[5] = state; //H
setOut[6] = db1; //P
setOut[7] = pin; //CR for pin 13
setOut[8] = 0x43; //C
setOut[9] = 0x43; //C
setOut[10] = '#'; //End #
serial->write(setOut); //Send string over to arduino
__<mark>/************Arduino functions below**********/</mark>__