Recommendations for Board for the SIM7600

Hey guys, I want to place my Arduino at a remote location without WiFi, and I figured that the best way to do that would be by connecting it to a 4G network (and not 2G). The chip SIM7600 looks promising and I'm searching a module for it, but I didn't find anything that fulfills all of my requirements (or so I think), so I thought I'd consult with you guys.

I saw the Maduino, which looks good, but I have 2 problems with it :

  1. I see no UART communication pins, only a USB port to control it from the computer / Raspberry Pi. This is a problem because I want to connect the board only to an Arduino and place them both at the remote area.
  2. In all of the documentations of the Maduino I saw no reference to the sleep mode of the SIM7600. I read in the application note (which is written with a 2nd grade English that kind of insulting the reader, I must add) that a sleep mode is possible if some conditions are met, but I can't really figure if they do.

Someone knows maybe if I can put the Maduino in sleep mode? or control the Maduino with the Arduino through the USB port of the Maduino and some cable? Or otherwise, someone knows maybe of good board that integrates the SIM7600 and is sure to allow sleeping mode and the UART interface?

Thank you all in advance and I wish you an awesome week :slight_smile:

I use SIM-7600s from TinySine.
No problems, but choose the right version to suit your region/country.

Photo credit: Map above is from

you can check that library and associated wiki for Board-Versions

With Maduino you don't need any additional arduino for connect to modem, because the board itself has Arduino Zero controller

Thank you all for your answers and help :slight_smile:

@lastchancename Thank you for the recommendation. Do you use it also in sleep mode? if yeah, what power consumption do you have?

@b707 I somehow missed that fact :open_mouth: thanks. So the UART problem is solved. Does somebody know maybe if the sleeping mode is available in the Maduino LTE? and if yeah, what is the expected power consumption?

Sorry, no, I don’t use it in sleep.
Maybe next generation of my projectL

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