...I'm going to thank CrossRoads for pointing me back to the datasheets...
...on page 6 there's a section entitled 'max7219/7221 differences'... it reads ;
"The MAX7219 and MAX7221 are identical except for two parameters: the
MAX7221 segment drivers are slew-rate limited to reduce electromagnetic
interference (EMI), and its serial interface is fully SPI compatible." ...
..in a perfect world, that should've been on page 5 above the description table,
as it makes more sense of ;
"On the MAX7219, when a segment driver is turned off it is pulled to GND.
The MAX7221 segment drivers are high-impedance when turned off."
"The MAX7219 pulls the digit outputs to V+ when turned off. The MAX7221’s
digit drivers are high-impedance when turned off."
...no rocket science award there for figuring out how the 7221 achieves lower
EMI emissions =) It helps to be aware of this behavior wrt both the segment/digit
outputs, when using same to interface with supplemental drivers circuits...
...however, this is not where things are going wrong ; even after revising the
supplemental drivers stages back to discretes as per maxim's appnote, things
still do not work as described by the sketch. I later discovered that disconnecting
the DATAIN line between the 2 max7219's results in expected behavior for 1 color...
...so, I need suspect that the 7219's SPI-like interface differences wrt the 7221's
SPI-true implementation has something to do with this, as summarized in maxim's
datasheet as being ;
" For the MAX7219, serial data at DIN, sent in 16-bit packets, is shifted into the
internal 16-bit shift register with each rising edge of CLK regardless of the state of
LOAD. For the MAX7221, CS must be low to clock data in or out. "
... somehow, it looks to me as though the 2nd 7219 is being caught with data intended
for the 1st 7219, and the datasheet cites a 16.5 clock cycle delay on DOUT propagation,
so something here, in concert with the shutdown toggling between the red/green 7219
'banks' is going awry ...
... I posit such, because I tested the circuit with the 'LCDemoMatrix' sketch (of the
LedControl library, which the red/green matrix sketch uses), and that works 'as
expected' on one (or the other) color ; so it must be in the red/green bank switching
code somewhere ..