Hi guys!
Currently I'm making a robot program for a 5 DOF robotic arm. In the program, I want to make an automatic function in the void loop(){}, which contains the robotic arm moves to his reference position, when the program begin. Thanks for the reference position, we know where the robot arm locate in the space, we can place the robotic arm in the space.
I know the joint angles of the reference position, I can write that thing in the program. But, if I want to do the movement from the current postion to the reference position, somehow I have to read the datas about the current joint angles to the Arduino. It can be a sensor for this task. But I don't know which type of sensors can be useful for these tasks or stuffs like that.
Can anyone have any tips or examples which sensor can be useful for angle measurements (exactly for joint angle measurements)? About the examples, I think about exact types, prototypes, or names, not generalIy speaking! I'll be so grateful, if anyone can help me, it's very important for me!
Thanks for help in advance!
Have a nice day for all of you!