I'm working on a custom ArduinoMega2560 and I was wondering if I could replace the 16U2 by the Arduino ISP https://docs.arduino.cc/retired/boards/arduino-isp/ (it's cheaper and simpler).
Does this module allow me to program the Atmega2560 and connect it to the computer like the 16U2 does ?
What do you mean? Do you going to install an Arduino board with ISP code permanently on your PCB?
Yes it does through the ICSP header pins.
It is not a USB to TTL converter, so no you won't be able to connect to UART0 via the Serial monitor. a simple USB to TTL converter is anyway a simpler solution as a replacement for the 16u2, because that is what that chip is on the Mega for.
It should, and I am almost certain you can make an ICSP out of almost any Arduino board. Which you may have sitting there unused.
It is not a USB to TTL converter, so no you won't be able to connect to UART0 via the Serial monitor. a simple USB to TTL converter is anyway a simpler solution as a replacement for the 16u2, because that is what that chip is on the Mega for.
Thanks, so the Arduino ISP programmer does not meet my needs. Do you know of a chip that would allow me to program the Atmega2560 and be seen as a com port on my computer (I don't use the Arduino IDE) ?
I found some programmers on the web but they are based on the Atmega8 (Atmega16 on the Arduino Mega) so it's still an expensive and complex component...
A CP2102 (CP210x) or a CH340, or even a PL2303 (but then you have to make sure it's genuine or the driver won't install properly on w8 and above)
You could also do it with a 32u4, they may be more powerful but easier to come by.