Replace voltage regulator on Arduino mega

My arduino voltage regulator is fried. Can i replace it with this one?

Most 5v regulators will work, its down to your soldering skills removing the old one and fitting the new.

Assume you know what caused the regulator to burn out in the first place , must have been some serious overload, nothing else damaged ?

Lol, no.

At least, not if you want to solder that TO-220 packaged regulator to your Arduino board. Externally, it's probably fine, though.

If you want to solder a new one directly to the board, you're going to have to get one of those with a certain type of SOT package. It's worth looking into, since only one of the different types of SOT packages will work with the on board Arduino regulator footprint. You might want to research that.

How do you know you fried it?

Technically - YES.
Practically - NO (size ..)

One point to be considered: How much current at what input voltage does the regulator have to handle (if you are using a 12V source and the Mega draws its max. current = 500mA, the regulator has to deal with
P = (12V-5V)*0.5A = 3.5W which will fry the regulator if you don't take extreme precautions to cool it (actively!).

The original built-in regulator uses parts of the copper pane of the pcb to cool the regulator.
That said, look for a 1:1 replacement; if not available, use the regulator (as in your OP) with a heat sink (might get very very clumsy on the board and will be very tricky to place it right).

To keep temperature down, lower the external power to 7.. 7.5V - that will dramatically lower the power dissipation of the regulator.

For further information about powering Arduinos see also
this link

Perfect opportunity to use a micro power switching regulator.


As far as i see its nothing to lol about Power_Broker

I know its fried because I measured the output voltage on the voltage regulator and it was over 5V.

I had it connected to a delta 3d printer and when i moved the motors (having disabled them i the software) it suddenly came smoke from the mega board. Have moved motors like this before without such outcome so dont know why..
I have another mega board that have i functional voltage regulator but can't upload anything to it. It only gives 'timeout error'. Its recognised by the IDE and all the right options are checked.
googled it but seems like no one have solved that issue.

I use the mega together with ramps 1.4 and 4 nema 17 stepper motors + 3 endstops and one hotend. Powersupply from an old PC. 12V input to the ramps 1.4

You do not say exactly what voltage the blown regulator is now giving, but anything above 5v5 will likely damage or destroy the chips on that board and any plug in boards that use that same 5v rail

Some parts may seem to work ok, for now, but will probably fail sooner or later.

To me, as a guess, it sounds like some short has happened on the motor /driver board and caused a chain reaction blowing the megas regulator.

Have moved motors like this before without such outcome so dont know why..

When you move a motor it works as a generator (e.g. bicycle dynamo) and transforms your mechanical energy into electricity - powering /firing back into the electronics of the Arduino and thus killing sensitive electronic parts.

The fried voltage regulator mightbe only a second event after you fried/shortened something else in the MCU by moving the motor by hand.

When you are dealing with motors:

  • NEVER move them by hand
  • NEVER connect them to a motor driver or other electronics while there is power ON (either on the driver or on the controller)
  • NEVER disconnect a motor while some device in the configuration still has power ON.

If you have a cheap LED (in case it gets burnt, it's only a small loss) you could connect the LED to a motor (if it is a bipolar stepper with 4 wires, just to one coil pair) and then turn it by hand and you will see the LED brighten.

As far as i see its nothing to lol about Power_Broker

No offense, but it would look really funny having a huge and bulky TO-220 regulator soldered to SMD pads on a tiny Arduino. It would look rather ridiculous, don't you think?

No offense, but it would look really funny having a huge and bulky TO-220 regulator soldered to SMD pads

Suppose you don't have any other device at hand and you manage to get it to work and save your project - what matters if your Arduino won't get back on the catwalk? :slight_smile: