RFM22B/23B car key detection

Hi I'm using a RFM22B/23B sensor and the rf22 library from Radiohead
It all works great. The only thing I don't know how to do is set the sensor to detect my FSK car key.
I tested the sensor and it works but it doesn't pickup on car keys.
Does anyone know how I could set up the sensor to receive car key signals?
I already tried every prewritten config in the library. Thanks!

Radiohead protocols don't work with proprietary signals.

It probably uses a rotating code that changes every time it is cycled. Kellogg is one of the many ones available. Most car OEMs use there own code and do not give it out for security reasons.

Rfm22 is able do detect fsk signal so it should pick up on car keys?. RadioHead lib allows to configue the sensor as I like ( sets the registers). I just need to detect if a car key was pressed no need to decode the signal.

Not using Radiohead would be one idea.

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radio head is all good the problem is the many types of sensor configurations and i don't know what to choose.

How did you determine which frequency to set?

If you don't decode it, how do you know what remote it was sent from?

decoding is optional I just need to check if the car key is pressed. I can limit the sensor sensitivity and the car key is close.

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