I have an LED strip project done using Arduino Uno. I'm using a remote control to change the colors and brightness of the strip via an IR sensor so serial communication is in use. The following image illustrate the project wiring:
I want to upgrade my project by adding an RTC module (DS3231) that can be hooked up using the I2C serial communication or using it with analog pins to read the date and time. Also, I will be using an LCD display to show the current time and date, and to set alarms.
My question is, will the RTC work fine with the current setup and wont interfere with the remote control library because it already utilizes serial communication ? Also, some timers are in use to drive the LED strip using PWM so will this play a factor in making them work properly together ?
The end goal is to set the time and date, and set alarms using the remote control.
How is the controller powered?
I2C looks like smart for both RTC and LCD. It's hard to tell about library collisions without testing the combination in real. Compile, download and try to run!
The RTC uses I2C, not serial. So there won't be any collision there. You didn't post any code or mention what sort of serial communication you are using. I am assuming SoftwareSerial since you have it connected to pin 2 and not one of the Hardware Serial pins. You don't mention what libraries you are using for any of this so it is impossible to tell if there will be any library conflicts.
It will probably work but there is not enough information available to be sure. Nice start with a schematic attempt but as you add parts you are going to run into problems. There are many free schematic capture programs available for free such as KiCad. We know that schematics is the language of electronics.