I am looking at purchasing license for my school for the 23-24 school year
but have a few questions. Is there a email that I can send my questions too? I tried the sales account, but it was bounced back to me.
Thank you!
What EXACTLY are wanting to license? All Arduino stuff, hardware and software is freely available, no license needed.
Hi @mcurl. Please use the contact form for any questions related to sales:
I have sent over 4 different messages to this site with no replies. Is there another one available that I can send my questions too?
Please check the spam folder for the email address you provided via the form. It is possible the replies were falsely classified as spam by your email service.
I have done that along with checking our filters and still no replies....
Is there a direct person that I can contact?
Hi @mcurl , thanks for your interest in the school plan. May I know your email address to contact with? You can also send and email to i.liu@arduino.cc. Thank you!
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