Saying a whole bunch of things weren't declared. It always worked before.

Hey guys, I'm trying to save the position of some dynamixels(servos, but they have their own microcontroller in them) for future use in a sd card.
This is my code. The error message is attached as a txt file because it's so big.

#include<BioloidController.h>// I tried erasing everything except the ax12 and bioloidcontroller libraries, didn't make a difference.
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

#define POSES 10
#define SERVOS 10
BioloidController bioloid = BioloidController(1000000);

uint16_t Pypose[POSES][SERVOS];
int storePosition = 0;

void setup() {


void loop() {

void ReadPosition(uint16_t * Pypose []){
  for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++){
  Pypose[storePosition][i] = ax12GetRegister(i,AX_PRESENT_POSITION_L,2);

Things I've tried:

  • reinstalled the BioloidController library (makes it easier to program the dynamixels(servos)
  • Tried looking at the .cpp and .h files. Wasn't really able to do anything because of my knowledge of programming.
  • completely reinstalled the arduino ide
  • tried different program that used the bioloidcontroller library.

I have no idea what to do, it ALWAYS worked before.:confused: Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks.
P.S. I attached the library files in case they're needed.

ax12.cpp (7.03 KB)

ax12.h (5.89 KB)

BioloidController.cpp (6.44 KB)

BioloidController.h (4.33 KB)

Error Message.txt (9.93 KB)

keywords.txt (300 Bytes)

it ALWAYS worked before

Before what?

Presumably before you changed something?

What did you change?


Curious, did you just update the IDE?

I just tried using the 1.6.4 version of arduino and it worked! Thanks guys!