Scanning for Bluetooth devices Arduino and HC06

Hi all you clever people. I need help with the HC06 Bluetooth module and Arduino.
I just need it to constantly communicate all detected bluetooth MAC addresses to my Arduino in a string.
From there I am sure I can build the rest.

I want every cow to carry a bluetooth tag and then I want to install Arduinos all over a farm, logging all the bluetooth devices that comes into range.

The idea is to log all the cattle on the farm at water drinking points on the farm and upload it to a database with just the bluetooth MAC address and time and date. The server can discard all mac addresses that are not listed as cows, like cellphones passing by etc. The server can then let me know if a certain cow was not detected for more than 12 hours, (since a cow drinks water more often than that) meaning there is something wrong.

I bought 3 bluetooth tags and can detect them, and see their MAC addresses with an app on my android phone whenever they come into range, I just can not manage to detect bluetooth devices with the HC-06. I want to use bluetooth rather than RFID because it can easily work at 5 to 10 meters. The farm is 4km x 2km.

Any help will be greatly appreciated down here in Africa.

See pic below of Android detecting the iTAGs

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I can't imagine that any of this is a good idea but, if your research is solid, I'm sure you will soon find that using an HC-06 is a bad one.
I think you might have a better chance if you use an HC-05 configured as a master. You might then be able to constantly scan through the MAC addresses of the entire herd, noting each successful connection.

Thanks Nick, I ordered some HC-05s
Not a good idea why? I am open for better ideas.

What would the short answer be to: make sure all cattle came by at least 1 drinking point each day?

HC-06 is a slave device only, best left for the cows and polled by an HC-05 master.

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