Hello everyone
I am somewhat new with arduino so excuse any ignorance I might display.
I am trying to interface with an SD card.
Its an old MMC card, 32MB. I also tried with microSD (4GB) card and an SD adaptor but no luck.
My setup is arduino duemilanove, atmega328p.
I am using this scematic http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1206874649.
I try to run the SDinfo example from the Sdfatlib. It fails to initialize both cards displaying this message:
card.init failed
SD errorCode: 0X1
SD errorData: 0X0
After playing around a little, I noticed that if I remove the wire connected to the CS pin of the card at the begining of the initialization
(not too soon, nor too late), then the card is recognized.
I am pretty sure my wiring is correct (although I might be wrong)
I have " const uint8_t SdChipSelect = 10; " and i have CS pin of the SDcard connected to pin 10.
I am powering the card from the 3.3v suply on the arduino
Does anyone have a suggestion? I am sure I am doing something stupid but I have no idea what.
[Edit: The cards both work on my pc]