search function

I am looking for a search function, to find the line, where I used my variable. It isnt always easy to find things in a 1000 line code... .
Anybody know such a feature?

Tanks :smiley:

The Arduino IDE has a 'find' option under 'Edit' . If this does not do what you want then pretty much every editor I have ever used has had a 'find' or equivalent. Decent IDE have in built 'find'.

I use the Geany editor for all my Arduino (and other) programming. Highlight a piece of text and Shift-Ctrl-M highlights every other example. And there is also a regular "find" facility.


And on macOS I use, and would recommend, TextWrangler from BareBones Software.

My favourite alternative is Notepad++. It automatically highlights every instance of whatever word you have selected, no extra settings or key presses required.

My favourite alternative is Notepad++. It automatically highlights every instance of whatever word you have selected, no extra settings or key presses required. it's free:

Any editor will do the job :wink: But if you use single character variable names you might have a problem, specifically if they are global. The variable name 'i' is specifically nice because it often occurs many times in code (while, pinMode, digitalRead, digitalWrite and so on) 8)

Even the humble Arduino IDE has some tricks up its sleeve.

Double click on the name of a variable to highlight it, then Ctrl + E, Ctrl + F, Return will find the next instance of the text as will subsequent Returns.