I recently spent some time searching for a fitting solar charger board but still could not figure out which solar charge controller would fit my project the best.
I want to build a light in my backyard, but all solar charge controller I found don't have enough ouput.
For example the waveshare solar charge manager (d) looks really well designed, but the output is max. 3A 5V, which is too low.
An alternative would be a bq24650 module, but this module is too expensive (like 20€).
I really would appriciate any recommendations
(i have laying around 4x lifepo4 3000mah batteries)
To 'size' a solar charger, you need to know the size and characteristics of the battery bank which is governed by the load, LiFePO4 is generally the best choice. Now goto this Link to determine your solar power by month for a given sized panel. If you need 100% reliability, assume 3 days of NO solar so size the battery accordingly. Once you know how many solar panels of a given voltage and current, I recommend Victron Energy for an MPPT solar charger. Also don;t forget you will need a battery monitor, your choice of a controller and eventually cables, connectors, breakers (I ALWAYS use marine grade so NO corrosion)
Um, do you not understand what I explained, did I do a bad job explaining it.
FYI I built a 7,200 Watt Hr battery bank, 1,080 Watt solar array, 3,000 Watt inverter, 120 Amp charger. AFAICR $10,000+ CDN.
So you can see I have some experience and I am happy to share it.
Sorry, I should have written that in my first post.
I need 30W of ouput, the voltage is not important, since i can use a step up converter.
It is just a light out of leds i build myself.