Send Nano 33 BLE IMU data via bluetooth to serial monitor

Hello everyone,
I have been searching for quite a while trying to find a way to use the nano 33 BLE to send IMU data to my PC where I can save it as a .csv, just reading the raw data.

Things I have already done:

  1. use the built in example of LED to test that I can connect to the BLE via nRF, this worked but the mobile version is limited
  2. Tried to use the desktop version of the nRF connect, app seems to have issues with downloading and such so I wasnt able to get this to work
  3. Tried using a python script to connect to the BLE but the bleak library seems to have issues with windows from my experience and what I read as it would connect but then give a permission error
  4. Tried using the built in LED central and LED peripheral example to control the LED from one nano to another, does not seem to connect even after giving it some time

Since the data I am sending over is not intermittent, I am not even sure BLE is the right choice for sending data, but the HM-10 does not seem to have an easy compatibility with the nano 33 BLE.

I also tried a BNO055 from adafruit but it seems to not be compatible with newer boards, and kept giving me either no data or nonsense data when using an arduino R4

anyone have any suggestions of how to do this?

This tutorial might be helpful. Web searches will find others. Example search string "nano 33 ble send data to laptop"

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Worked perfect, Thanks!