I need to send JSON data from my Arduino to another one. I will need this to control WLED on an ESP.
This uses an API, which is ment for https but can also be used with serial. https://kno.wled.ge/interfaces/json-api/ I really don't know how to do this since I have never used the Arduino IDE. Thanks
what did you used ever? why you think today it must be ArduinoIDE?
anyway, you place bytes in serial buffer and they appear on other serial buffer, where it can be read out and stored(or not) and used(or not).
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JSON is just human-readable plain text - so you transmit &receive it just like any other plain text:
In particular, see:
the problem is that I can't use characters like () or " ", because that would mess with the serial.write()
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Sure you can!
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