SensorKit pins for alternative tasks

I have a board connected to a complete Sensor Kit Base. I have not separated the components for aesthetics (and because if I do, possibly, I will end up losing some of them over time). I need to use an analog pin to take some readings from a protoboard. When I connect it to any pin A, I get readings from the sensors (A0 has the potentiometer readings, A2 and A3 light and sound and A1/A4/A5 I have no idea) even if the code is not using the sensor kit library.
If I disconnect the board from the sensor base, the readings are correct.
However, is it possible to tell Arduino to use some of the blue pins of the sensorkit (0-13, A0-A5) for external read/write to the allocated sensors?
Thanks for the help

do you have a link to that "complete Sensor Kit Base" thingy??

is that this thing?

(Arduino Sensor Kit - Bundle — Arduino Official Store)
By complete, I mean that everything is connected to the printed circuit board.

It is

What is this board?

This Bundle

So you plugged in the shield on top of a UNO and then connected the 10 modules?

Understood but what is this "board" you have connected to the Sensor kit base?

Yes, connect the “base kit” on top of the arduino. The modules (sensors) are not connected by cable, but are all connected by the printed circuit board that has the kit.


Do you mean you did not detach the modules from the board?

EDIT: seems indeed there are connections we can see where they go and you'll have more info in the library's source code

Indeed, I have not separated the sensors from their base. In the library I have not seen information on whether or not it is possible. Arduino_Sensorkit - Arduino Reference And in the first steps page of the kit this is specified:
"The Base Shield board is designed to fit on top of an Arduino UNO R3 board. It comes equipped with 16 grove connectors, which when placed on top of the UNO R3 board give functionality to various pins. It uses the following pins to interface with components:

  • 7 digital pins - D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7.
  • 4 analog pins - A0, A1, A2, A3
  • 4 I2C pins
  • 1 UART pin

In addition, all pins on the UNO R3 board can be accessed with jumper cables.

Notice: The Base Shield board has a power selection switch (3V3 and 5 V) that powers the modules. It must be kept at 5 V in order to correctly follow the contents of this kit."

Since the I2C actually uses A4 and A5, ALL the analog pins are used.
Either don't use the shield or disconnect the little boards

In the .cpp you have

so it seems they assume the DHT11 is on pin 3 and the other on the I2C bus (which is pin A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL) for your UNO)

I have split the sound sensor connection to the A2 port and now its reading is around 600 all the time. But the port has nothing connected to it. If I run a grove cable from the sound sensor to the board it receives the actual values, but if no heat is detected between 600 and 610

That is normal, With nothing connected the reading is undefined, it can be anything

I don't understand the integrated circuit of the “sensor kit”, even if it is not connected to the microphone it receives(?) values. As these are around 900, if I connect a cable to the breadboard I lose most of the information because it receives a constant signal in those values.

Yes, without anything connected it is receiving stray electromagnetic radition that is basically present everywhere.
If you connect a wire between A2 abd GND it should read 0

Yes, if I connect it to ground if it gives 0

So nothing is wrong